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Contact details for OK To Travel customer service, medical assistance and more

Customer Service


 01223 446 920

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm


 OK To Travel, 58 Market Square, St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 2AA

Medical Assistance


Select your policy number to contact the relevant assistance team:




Select your policy number to make a travel insurance claim:


How to make a complaint


You have the right to expect the best possible service and support. If we have not delivered the service you expected, or you are concerned with the service provided, we would like the opportunity to put things right. The following will help us understand your concerns and give you a fair response.


If your complaint relates to the sale of the policy contact: Customer Service Manager on 01480 220 673 or write to: OK To Travel, 58 Market Square, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 2AA.


If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome and you do wish to complain please forward details of your complaint in the first instance, as follows:


Ask the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to review YOUR case. Their address is Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9SR. For enquiries and consumer helpline telephone 0300 123 9123 from a mobile or 0800 023 4567 from a landline. Further information can be found at their website FOS can only consider complaints after YOU have received a final response from US.