All medical conditions considered with no age limit on Single Trip or Annual Multi-Trip policies. You're OK To Travel
Specialist medical travel insurance to Europe and Worldwide including coronavirus cover benefits
Our travel insurance policies have been extended to automatically include cover for a range of COVID-19 scenarios such as cancellation* if you receive a positive test within 14 days of your departure date and cover for emergency medical expenses abroad.
Benefits are applicable to single and annual multi-trip policies. Cover benefits and limitations will vary depending on the cover level selected. View the COVID-19 cover summary or policy wording attached to your quote for full terms and conditions.
Travellers should check the latest FCDO travel advice for their destination at prior to purchasing insurance or travelling. There will be no cover under our policies if you travel to a country or area where the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) or Government are advising against all or all but essential travel. There is no cancellation cover if you are unable to travel due to the FCDO or Government advising against all or all but essential travel.
*There is no cover for cancellation or curtailment claims on our 'Standard' cover level.
We have highlighted a selection of the most common scenarios illustrating how your policy covers you during a pandemic. This web page is intended as a guide and does not form part of your policy. Please ensure you read the full policy wording, your schedule which is your evidence of cover, and any endorsements to ensure that the cover being offered meets your requirements.
Provided you have had a positive test result within 14 days of the start of the trip, or if you are hospitalised due to COVID-19 within 28 days of the start of the trip you would be covered for cancellation*.
*There is no cover for cancellation on our 'Standard' cover level.
Provided they have had a positive test result within 14 days of the start of the trip, or they are hospitalised due to COVID-19 within 28 days of the start of the trip you would be covered for cancellation*.
*There is no cover for cancellation on our 'Standard' cover level.
Medical expenses would be covered as standard within the terms and conditions of the policy. If you are travelling against medical advice you will not be covered.
Under the medical expenses section of the policy cover is provided for room only and travelling expenses for you and a close relative or friend who you might need to help you if the help is deemed medically necessary by our 24 hour emergency assistance team.
Your policy would automatically extend to cover this.
We will pay to return you to the UK with a medical escort if deemed necessary by the local doctor and with the approval of our 24 hour emergency assistance team.
No cover is provided to countries where the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office or World Health Organisation has advised against travel, or all but essential travel.
There is no cover to cancel or curtail your trip on our 'Standard' cover level. Please see your policy wording for full cover benefits applicable to your policy.
There is no cover in this instance.
You would only be covered under the medical expenses section of cover if you’re diagnosed with COVID-19 and this is the reason you can’t enter. For any other costs, you should contact your tour operator or travel company for support.
There is no cover under this policy for this scenario. You should contact your tour operator or travel company who maybe able to amend dates or provide a refund.
The cost of the test is not covered under the policy, irrespective of the result.
Specialist medical travel insurance for one-off single trips up to 184 days in duration within the UK, to Europe or Worldwide.
Cover for multiple trips to Europe or Worldwide over a 12 month period with no upper age limit.
Cruise specific travel insurance including cabin confinement, missed port departure and medical expenses.